Defining the Need
Dementia is a growing problem in our society, as more people live longer. The current estimates on the number of people with dementia in British Columbia is between 60,000 and 70,0001, and this is increasing. One estimate has the number of people with dementia tripling in the next 24 years.2
It is estimated that three out of five people with Alzheimer’s disease will wander3. The survivability of a missing person with dementia in an urban environment is 95% if found within the first 24 hours, but drops to 60% at 48 hours, and 46% at 96 hours4.
While there is much research bring done on how to treat and care for people with dementia, and advice on how to prevent wandering, there is no organized system in place to find people who go missing.
- The Provincial Dementia Action Plan for British Columbia; BC Ministry of Health, 2012 ↩︎
- B.C. to see dementia crisis in coming years, Jim Mann (Opinion), Times Colonist, February 27, 2013 ↩︎
- Alzheimers Association (US), Northern California Chapter ↩︎
- Lost Person Behaviour – Dementia, Robert Koester, 2008 ↩︎